
Valley Pacific Floral / Woodburn Florist Blog

Express Thanks

By Jallyn Shepherd  -  November 12th, 2015

I love living in the Willamette Valley at this time of year! The natural fall colors outside are so beautiful. I love driving around our town of Woodburn, Oregon to see the trees changing. The wonder this time of year is enhanced by the holidays we celebrate. Thanksgiving is a special time of year when hearts are opened and people feel joyful, because, "a thankful heart is a happy heart." Express thanks and love by sharing a smile, forgiving, and laughing. We, here at Valley Pacific Floral, have so much gratitude in our hearts for all of you! The love you've showed us over the years and all the memories we've made. We are thankful for flowers that make us so happy and the smiles on people's faces when they receive a fresh arrangement. It makes everything so worth it for us. We love thanksgiving for all it's bounty. As many of you are aware, each flower has a special message to share. Some flowers have many meanings depending on the color. There are a couple that fit in with the spirit of this season:

 A pink carnation is a message of gratitude. There is something so pure about the act of giving flowers that it makes the receiver feel so special. Carnations are beautiful and add texture and variety to any arrangement. What a beautiful and charming way to say, 'Thank you!'  


Pink roses are a symbol of admiration and appreciation. A rose is so classic. Receiving a rose definitely makes a person feel appreciated! For a long time I have imagined that each petal of a rose contains a little message; I believe the messages on the petals of a pink rose would be something like this, 'I notice all the good that you do.' 'You are appreciated.' 'Keep inspiring!' 'Keep smiling.' 'Thank you!' 'I aspire to be more like you.' etc. All good things.

Live in the moment and love it!

Jallyn Shepherd

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Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00, Sat 8:30-12:00, Sun Closed